By DAILY MAIL REPORTER I had a cracking time: Justin Bieber waves to fans as he takes a plane out of Sydney today bound for Melbourne after being egged on stage on Friday night
After getting pelted on stage, it seemed Justin Bieber was in no mood for an Egg McMuffin meal.
Instead, the teen singer settled for a Burger King as he was spotted jetting out of Sydney, Australia, today.
The 17-year-old star had the embarrassing misfortune of being egged on Friday night during a performance in front of thousands of screaming fans at the the city's Acer Arena.
The tour continues: Bieber was spotted carrying a Burger King as he boarded the aircraft earlier today
Footage of the incident showed two eggs landing within a metre of the Canadian superstar.
Then four more eggs appeared to fall from directly above the singer, prompting some internet users to question if the incident was all a set-up.
According Australia's Herald Sun, Justin didn't miss a beat during the egg incident.
Playing it casual: The singer was dressed in jeans and a hoodie teamed with red and black trainers
He continued performing as a helper quickly cleaned up the mess.
The egg attack outraged many Biebers fans who quickly took to the internet.
One web user named Taylor wrote on 'I was soo angry when I saw this, I hate whoever did this. Why bother?'
Justin doesn't crack: The superstar singer was pelted with eggs, but he didn't miss a beat and continued performing
What just happened? Some of Justin's stunned fans took to the internet to complain about the egg incident
Another fan took to Twitter a warning: 'Dear person who threw eggs at @justinbieber in Sydney, you now have over #9millionbeliebers after you, be afraid! We go harder than hard!'
Skynews Australia posted a short video of the incident on Youtube a short time after it happened.
Justin is now heading to Melbourne where he will perform on Monday and Tuesday night as part of his My World Tour.
Hitting a bum note: Justin pictured last week performing in Indonesia
Justin Bieber gets pelted by eggs at Sydney Concert on the 29th of April!
source: dailymail
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