By KATIE NICHOLL Tight squeeze: Prince William struggled to put the ring on Kate's finger because the bride had ordered one a size too small, so it didn't slip off
When Prince William struggled to fit the ring on his bride’s finger at the Royal Wedding, most of the two billion people watching probably put it down to nerves.
But the real reason for those awkward few seconds was that Kate had asked for her ring to be made a size too small.
Amusement: Most of the two billion people watching Prince William's struggle to put the ring on Kate thought it was simply nerves
‘Kate asked Wartski, who made the ring, to make it a size smaller so it didn’t slip
off,’ says my man in the know.
‘She had her engagement ring resized because she’d lost weight and didn’t want the same problem with her wedding ring slipping off.
‘It has now become a subject of amusement to her and William.’
source: dailymail
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